The Pursuit of Virtue in Christ

Among Christ’s hypostatic properties (divine and human) is the truth of his unchanging nature.  The Psalmist proclaims “But You remain the same and your years will never end” (Ps. 102:27).  Every word Christ speaks is eternal and his promises are everlasting” (Mt. 24:35).  What great comfort we have in knowing that our circumstances will never determine the measure of God’s infinite goodness and mercy.  Only God’s love is the measure of our worth (JP11).  While the unpredictable world promises constant change, God’s love endures forever.  Out of his grace flows into the soul infused virtues (faith, hope and charity) and the moral virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance) as the sanctifying means to participate in his divinity. These seeds of virtue incline the soul towards holiness, perpetually raising the heart to God. As spiritual gifts, they bring forth a profound desire to “be perfect…