Blessed Mary’s Life Takes Place within Christ’s Life  

It is to the young Virgin Mary that the Holy Trinity comes first. In the Annunciation, she consents to partake in the salvific mission of the sent Son of God. The angel’s message is presented to Mary not as a command, but an invitational call to become the vessel of redemption.  Hence, the following explicates how Mary’s holy state of life conforms to the life of her Son. The freedom divinely given to all humanity was exercised by Mary’s fiat “May it be done to me according to thy word.” Upon understanding what the angel reveals, her words of offered obedience perfectly image those of her Son to the Father “Your will be done” (Lk 22:42).  Thus, Mary takes her stand as the first paradigmatic Christian conformed to the life of Christ, and through Him, enters into the life of the Blessed Trinity. Never…

The Coming of Christ in Advent

Advent marks the time in the Church liturgical calendar to spiritually prepare for the coming of Christ The Light who is the Redeemer breaks into a darkened world. St. John tells us “He was in the world and the world came into being through Him; yet the world did not know Him (Jn 1:10). There has never been a time when Christ was not in the world. As He is one and the same with God the Father, Christ has been drawing humanity to Himself since before the dawn of creation. Never has there been a time when Christ is not, or a time before He was not. Christ is eternal – God from God – Light from Light, True God and True Man – through whom all things were made. Hence, the sent Son of God was in the world before he became Incarnate of the Virgin Mary…

Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus! – What Isaiah Saw in His Vision of the Holy Temple

Prophet Isaiah’s vision of the holy Temple The ancient appellation “Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus” is believed to have first been suggested by Pope St. Clement (A.D. 88-97) in a letter to the Corinthians, although its introduction to the Mass took place approximately two centuries later. As Christians praise the holiness of God in the Liturgy, they envision the same majestic glory Isaiah describes taking place in heaven. Hence, the sacred Sanctus (“Holy, Holy, Holy”) is the most beautiful of all liturgical acclamations. The beloved triplet prayer of praise is made visible to the world through the Liturgy of the Mass, artistic imagery, sacrament and prayer. Each form uniquely enables the faithful to contemplate the beauty of God sitting on his throne with seraphs exalting his praise from above (Isa 6:3). In his vision, the Prophet Isaiah captures the angelic sight and sounds he overheard surrounding the holy…

The Relationship Between Faith and Obedience

In our contemporary world, remaining centered on God and seeking only moral goodness requires the obedience of faith. Faith is by definition assent to things that are not seen.  It is the absolute belief in the complete mysteries that remain hidden in the mind of God. St. Paul points to the significance of obedient faith. He tells us that “we were buried with Christ by baptism into his death.  As Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father; we too might walk in newness of life in Him (Rom 6:4). Faith that sustains perfect obedience to the will of God requires the real presence of grace. And cemented within the pursuit of obedience in the faith life is the call to uphold the moral tenets of the Christian faith.  Theological and moral obedience are as inseparable as fish and the sea. Faith brings a firm…

St. Joan of Arc and What the State of Grace Really Means

Early on the Christian path, my interactions with “grace” painted a collage of images. Seeing God’s gift as something beautiful happened every time I tearfully sang John Newton’s hymn “Amazing Grace.” Later on, I equated grace with “sufficiency” after diving deep into the life of the apostle Paul. If God’s grace alone sufficed to help him endure that painful thorn, then it would surely strengthen my legs to withstand tough times too. While both encounters powerfully shaped how I thought about grace, it wasn’t until I watched “The Passion of Joan of Arc” that I became acutely aware of how living in a state of grace supernaturally connects us with God. Grace fits us now on earth for the glory of heaven. And by drawing us into the Trinity, we are empowered to become truly “God-like” and live the deiform life. According…